交通信息(Traffic Information)
  1. 天河机场:45千米,90分钟路程(Tian He Airport: 45km,90 minutes ride)
  2. 武昌火车站:8千米,20分钟路程(Wuchang Railway Station: 8km,20minutes ride)
  3. 武汉火车站:20千米,40分钟路程(Wuhan Railway Station:20km,40minutes ride )
  4. 傅家坡长途汽车站:8千米,20分钟路程(Fujiapo Long Distance Bus Station:8km,20minutes ride )
Download the InfoCard ()
Print this card and keep it with you when travelling in Wuhan. The card contains a map of the hotel location, the hotel address in both English and Chinese characters, as well as airport and in-town transportation information.

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