Prof. R. Arumuganathan
Prof. R. Arumuganathan
PSG College of Technology, India
标题: Recent trends on retrial queueing models and its applications
Queueing theory is concerned with the development of mathematical models to predict the behaviour of systems which attempt to provide service for randomly arising demands. Retrial queueing systems are characterized by the phenomenon that arrivals who find the server busy leave the service area and join the retrial group (orbit) to try again for their requests for service in random order and at random intervals. The general structure of a retrial queue is shown in the following figure. Retrial queueing systems have been widely used to model many problems in telephone switching systems, telecommunication networks, computer networks and communication systems. For related literature, the advances in retrial queues can be found in the book of Artalejo and GomezCorral (2008). A practical retrial queue with feedback of customers occurs in many real world situations. For instance, in communication networks, where data transmissions need to be guaranteed error free, feedback schemes are used to request transmission of packets that are lost or received in a corrupted form. Retrial queueing systems with vacation policy have been found to be useful in modelling the systems in which the server is assigned for additional tasks. Queueing systems with a repairable service station are of practical interest and have been studied orbit service area blocked customers omers retrials input flow output by many authors. During the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in queueing systems with negative customers due to their applications in telecommunication and computer networks. When a negative customer arrives at the queue it immediately removes the customer in service. Negative arrivals are used as a control mechanism in many telecommunication and computer networks. This talk focuses on recent developments on retrial queues and their applications with relevant literature survey.
Teaching Experience: 30 years
Research Area: Queueing Theory
Conference Organised :3
Workshop organised : 7
Invited Talk in International Conferences:3
Abroad Visit: Madrid, Spain, To attend the international Conference MCQT06 During

July 3rd -7th , 2006 (special Invitee) and MCQT 10 during 26th June 2010 to 1st July 2011