Prof. Yilun Shang
Prof. Yilun Shang
标题: Opinion consensus in networks of agents
What happens if people meet and discuss their opinions regarding a brand or a political party? Generally, they may influence one another and as a consequence change their opinions and reach a compromise. Agreement or consensus is one of the most important aspects of social group dynamics. Daily life presents many situations where it is necessary for a group to reach shared decisions. In the past few decades, opinion formation has raised a fair amount of attention in the communites of social simulation and complexity science. The researchers working on it come from disciplines such as engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, social psychology and philosophy. During this talk, I will discuss the basic consensus protocols and three generalized models including scaled consensus, hybrid consensus, and consensus under bounded confidence based on my recent research work.
Dr. Shang received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005 and 2010, respectively. His research interests include the structure and dynamics of complex networks and systems, cyber epidemic spreading, probabilistic combinatorics, and system control theory. Prior to joining School of Mathematics in Tongji University, Dr. Shang worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Department of Computer Science at University of Texas at San Antonio, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre at Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Einstein Institute of Mathematics at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was also a short-stay international visiting fellow with Department of Mathematical Sciences at University of Essex. Dr. Shang is on the Editorial Board of IEEE Access and PLoS ONE. He received the 2016 Dimitrie Pompeiu Prize from the Section of Mathematics of Romanian Academy.