Dr. Angela K. Salmon
Dr. Angela K. Salmon
Florida International University, USA
Dr. Angela K. Salmon. Associate Professor and Director of the Early Childhood Program at Florida International University, founder of the Visible Thinking South Florida Initiative for Early Childhood. She is Habits of Mind Certified and Consultant. Her long-standing partnership with Project Zero at Harvard University and Institute Habits of Mind has evolved into numerous research initiatives, national and international lectures, and publications. Her research interests in the interplay between cognition, language and literacy development led to research in areas like children’s theory of mind, habits of mind, executive functions, metacognition, language and literacy development, teacher’s discourse in the classroom. Her research draws from teachers’ action research initiatives that she coaches. Dr. Salmon’s work has been featured in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Ecuador, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Panama, and other countries. She is currently chairing the 18th International Conference on Thinking. Dr. Salmon was invited to be “Thinker in Residence” by the Independent Schools of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.