Prof. Seongah Chin
Prof. Seongah Chin
Sungkyul University, Republic of Korea
Dr. Seongah Chin is a Full Professor, Director of the XICOM Lab., and former Chair of the Division of Media Software, Sungkyul University in South Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1999. He has published more than 100 peer reviewed journal papers including IEEE Transactions on SMC, Multimedia Systems, Virtual Reality, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Color Research and Applications, Computer Assisted Surgery, Journal of Sensors, Journal of Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering and etc. Currently, Dr. Chin has served in the organization and program committees and invited and keynote speakers of various international conferences, and he also serves on the editorial board of the international journal of Computer Graphics, Information Technology and Media Software. Dr. Chin’s research interests include virtual reality, material rendering, computer graphics, facial modeling and computer vision.