Prof. Vilen Andreevich Mudrik
Prof. Vilen Andreevich Mudrik
Institute of Basic Biological Problems Russian Academy of Sciences Pushchino, Russia
I, Mudrik VA, born in 1939, graduated in 1967 from the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, majoring in radio engineering. Since 1974 I have been working at the Institute of basic problems of biology Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1994 - PhD, the theme of the thesis is "Complex assessment of the effect of optical radiation and other climatic factors on the productivity of plants," speciality – engineer. Topics – biophysics, plant physiology, photosynthesis. The main direction my scientific activity - modeling of plant productivity, based on taking into account the dependence of the efficiency of the use of solar energy by the plant under environmental conditions. I investigated the dependence of the rate of photosynthesis on air temperature, soil moisture (more precisely, on the water potential of the soil) and mineral nutrition (the so-called energy-transforming characteristics of plants (wheat, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, sugar beet, etc.) in the chamber with controlled environmental factors (phytochamber). Participated in international scientific program of the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance of the socialist countries (CЭВ). Within the framework of the (СЭВ) of the program "Research in the field of biological physics" participated in the project "Biophotometry" (1980-1985) and the project "Agrobioenergetics" (1986-1990). As a result, of these studies, a model of plant productivity was developed and an automated device "Climate control and Optimization System for the Microclimate of Greenhouses" was developed and introduced into practice. The automated device operated in an industrial greenhouse one growing season (cultivated plants tomato), yield was increased by 30% compared to a control greenhouse. There are patents of the USSR, Russia, Ukraine. In addition, I participated in the program "Global changes in the natural environment and climate" in studies on the impact of global climate change on photosynthesis and productivity of cultivated plants (sugar beet). Together with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences we studied ecophisiological responses of Larix sibirica Ledeb, and Pinus sibirica Du Tour Undegrowth to Climate Change, and changes of the northern borders of forests with Siberian pine and larch. In 1999 was the head of the grant of the Federal Targeted Program "Integration", repeatedly the participant in grants RFFI. ".