Prof. Jueyi Sui
Prof. Jueyi Sui
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Title: Comparison of three commonly used Equations for calculating local scour depth around bridge pier under ice covered flow condition
A precise prediction of maximum scour depth around bridge foundations under ice covered condition is crucial for their safe design because underestimation may result in bridge failure and over-estimation will lead to unnecessary construction costs. Com-pared to pier scour depth predictions within an open channel, few studies have at-tempted to predict the extent of pier scour depth under ice-covered condition. The pre-sent work examines scour under ice by using a series of clear-water flume experiments employing two adjacent circular bridge piers in a uniform bed were exposed to open channel and both rough and smooth ice covered channels. The measured scour depths were compared to three commonly used bridge scour equations including Gao’s sim-plified equation, the HEC-18/Jones equation, and the Froehlich Design Equation. The present study has several advantages as it adds to the understanding of the physics of bridge pier scour under ice cover flow condition, it checks the validity and reliability of commonly used bridge pier equations, and it reveals whether they are valid for the case of scour under ice-covered flow conditions. In addition, it explains how accurately an equation developed for scour under open channel flow can predict scour around bridge piers under ice-covered flow condition.
Dr. Jueyi Sui received his Bachelor and Master degrees in Civil (Water Resources) Engineering from Hefei University of Technology in China in 1985 and 1988, respectively. He received his Dr.-Ing. in Water Resources Engineering from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. From 1999 to 2000, Dr. Sui received a Post Doctoral fellowship from the NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and did his postdoctoral research at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Toronto, Canada. From 2001 to 6/2003, Dr. Sui practiced as a Hydrotechnical engineer with Klohn-Crippen Berger Ltd. On July 1, 2003, Dr. Sui joined the Environmental Engineering Program of the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) as an assistant professor, and received tenure and promoted as an associate professor in July 2007. In July 2012, Dr. Sui was promoted as full professor. From 2007 to 2013, Dr. Sui served as the director of the Environmental Engineering Program of UNBC. Dr. Sui has expertise in the field of sediment transport, river ice hydraulics, snow hydrology and watershed studies. His 82 academic papers have been published/accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. He has attracted over $800,000 research grants in the past 10 years. Dr. Sui received UNBC Research Excellence Awards twice (one of 4 recipients) in 2011 and 2015, respectively. In 2013, one of their papers was awarded as one of 4 Best Paper Award by the World Association of Sediment and Erosion (WASER). He is supervising 2 PhD students and 2 Master students right now. Currently, Dr. Sui serves as the associate editor of the International Journal of Sediment Research (IF=1.49), Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics (IF=1.65), Executive member of Journal of Hydrodynamics (IF=1.17). Dr. Sui also served as a reviewer of 36 international journals, and has reviewed 172 papers for these journals. In 2018, Dr. Sui has been recognized as one of 3 outstanding reviewers for Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.