Prof. Roberto Contro
Prof. Roberto Contro
Technical University of Milan, Italy
Roberto Contro, born in Milano, Italy, on 1941, is professor of Industrial Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano (Technical University of Milan), where he gave the following courses: Continua and Structure Mechanics for students of biomedical engineering (BS Course), Computational Modelling (MS Course), Micromechanics and Numerical Methods for Materials Science and Engineering (MS Course and PhD Course, respectively), for students of materials engineering. Since the beginning of his academic career, as a Research Assistant of Structural Mechanics and then as an Associate Professor of Theory of Plasticity he dealt with constitutive and geometrical non linearity exhibited by mechanical behavior of materials and structures. These features prevailed on specific peculiarities of civil engineering, to which his original culture belonged, so putting beforehand the methodological bases to reorient his scientific experiences towards analysis and design problems in biomechanics, where basically tissues, biomaterials and devices are affected by mechanical non linearity. His former academic commitments were connected to the acknowledgment of this background and, for instance, he was called to consolidate the new, just founded, school of materials engineering in Trento (1986), the first one in Italy on such a matter, where he was the Dean until 1991. Combining and coordinating different cultural competences were also his conceptual aim when in 1996 he was elected at the same time Head of Department of Structural Engineering and Coordinator of all the Departments of Politecnico. Recently, for his interest to throw a bridge between cultures of different European countries, he has been elected member of the arbitration board of the Academy for Italian-German Studies in Meran, Südtirol, Italy.