Prof. Yang Lee
Prof. Yang Lee
Yale University, USA
Title: Gih Paradigm for Living.
The concept, ‘Gih(Qi)’ is popular in Asian culture and is regarded to influence both to mind and body. Gih in Asian philosophy corresponds to ‘Living force’ proposed by Western philosophy, This study attempted to refine Gih as a 3rd entity for what deals the problems of mind and body, and to attest the psychosomatic variable for what construes scientific. This study envisions that the psychosomatic processes of Gih contributes to explain and resolve the problems of everyday living, which is evoked up between mind and body, subject and object, and self and others. This study extends in discussion for integration of Eastern and Western worlds.

Key Word: Gih(Qi), Living Force, 3rd Entity, Problems of mind and body, Psychosomatic variable, Problems of everyday living, Integration of Eastern and Western. 

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Lee, Y., Shaw, R. E., & Jin Zheng (2017). Gih(Qi): Beyond affordance. Frontiers in Psychology:Perspective,  doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00556.    
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His scholarly post is a distinguished professor at Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea, and a senior scientist at Haskins Laboratory, Yale University, US. His Ph. D was earned from Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, by a thesis concerned to ‘phonology and morphology’, the problems of which have been analyzed further by his recent papers (Lee & Callero, 2016) and granted successively by N. I. H. His research propensity is represented by his paradigm as ‘Gih’ (Lee, Shaw, & Jin, 2017), which is posited as one of ‘the third entities’ to integrate ‘mind and body’, and ‘subject and object’. The Gih paradigm is refined on ‘scientific philosophy’ and applied to review the problems of ‘language’, ‘social relation’, and ‘perception and action’, which let him known as a cognitive psychologist and a scientific philosopher. Adding personally, what he is absorbed in is practice of some martial arts.