Prof. Dennis Banda
Prof. Dennis Banda
Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES), Zambia
Dr Dennis Banda was born on the 15th Feb, 1958. He is a lecturer at the University of Zambia in the School of Education, Department of Language and Social Sciences Education. He obtained his PhD in Education at Nottingham University, UK in 2008, and an MPhil in Comparative Education with a focus on literacy learning in 2002(Oslo University, Norway. He has also a Certificate in Curriculum Development (Denmark); a Certificate in Research and Evacuations (Hiroshima University, Japan). Dr Banda has held several positions in the School of Education and is currently the Assistant Dean (Research) in the School. He is the current (2017-2019) president of the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES) executive member of several professional bodies. He has presented key note papers in a number of local and international conferences on Education, gender and research related issues.His published books, book chapters and journals are as stated below:
(a) Books
2008: Banda, D. (2008). Education for All (EFA) and African indigenous knowledge systems (AIKS). The case of the Chewa people of Zambia. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
2012: Banda, D (2012), Empowering or disabling: the evaluation of the Primary Reading Programme (PRP) in Zambia. Köln: Lambert Publishing Company- Germany
2012: Banda, D, Louise, M, Gerd, W (eds) (2012). The Language of Education Policy, Implementation, Practice and Learning Outcomes In Zambia, Namibia and Norway. Hedmark: Hedmark University
(b) Book chapter (s)
2017 Anne Marit vesterraas Danbolt, Banda Dennis Jorgen Klein and G Tambulukani (2017).’’Home School relations and the role of Indigenous knowledge in early literacy learning: A case study of rural schools in Zambia’’. In: Halvorsen T Ibsen, and Hilde justice (2017). Knowledge for Justice
2016: Banda, D, Kalimaposo K (2016). ‘’Ethical issues in qualitative research’’ In: Qualitative research handbook. North Charleston: Farwood Publishing ISBN: 9781514612606 
2016: Hand book on Research on social, cultural and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries
2015: Banda, D and Manchishi P.C (2015): ‘’In-Service Teacher Training programmes in Zambia’’ In: Karras, K. G & Wolhuter C (Ed) (2015), International Handbook of Teacher, Education, Training and Re-training Systems in Modern World ISBN-978-9963-2093-4-7
(c) Refereed Journal articles
2017: Banda, F/Banda D. Demystifying research methods: everyday experiences as socio-cultural co (n) texts for effective research methods in teaching and learning in institutions of higher learning in Africa. A Journal dedicated to the scholarship of teaching and learning in the ‘global south.’ Volume 1, Issue 1 September 2017 Pages: 60-77.
2016: Banda, F/Banda D. 2016    Nyanja/Chewa Proverbs as didactic: Recontextualising Indigenous Knowledge for Academic Writing.Studies in Tribes and Tribals. 14(2): 80-91.
2016: Handbook of Research on Social, Cultural, and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries (pp. 36-59). Hershey, PA: doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225- . In P. Ngulube (Ed.), 0838-0.ch003
2014: Ginsbur, M, Banda, D, Jeongin P, Tambulukani, G and Wei, Y (2014): “Opportunity to learn and its consequences for student Learning outcomes in basic education schools in Zambia” African Educational Research Journal Vol. 2(4), pp. 123-156, October 2014 ISSN: 2354-2160
2013: Banda, D & Morgan, J.W. (2013)’The Chewa folklore as an instrument of Education’’ Int Rev Educ DOI 10.1007/s11159-013-9353-5Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
2008: Banda, D, Country profile prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring
2008: Report Education for All by 2015: will we make it? Zambia Non-formal education2008/ED/EFA/MRT/PI/10
2012: Banda, D & Islam R (2012) ‘‘Cross-Cultural Social Research with Indigenous Knowledge (IK): Some Dilemmas and Lessons’’. Journal of Social Research & Policy, No. 3, July 2012 PP 36.40