Prof. Yongwei Bian
Prof. Yongwei Bian
University of International Relations, China
标题: Action Research on Dialogical Learning of English in a Chinese University
This is a report of an action research on dialogical learning, a form of critical pedagogy (Norton & Toohey, 2004) in the Chinese context. Dialogical learning is developed from Gao’s dialogical communicator (2014) and Kramsch’s symbolic competence (2009), and draws on theories of learner identity and investment (e.g., Norton, 2013; Darvin & Norton, 2015). The study is intended to promote students’ investment in English learning, and stimulate their commitment to English study. Their personal growth is reflected in enhanced English competency and critical awareness, and complements other innovative approaches in the Chinese context, like Wen’s (2016) production-oriented approach. This study was conducted with two groups of students in each of their freshmen study between October 2015 to July 2016, and September 2016 to July 2017, each group respectively in their first college year in China. The data were collected through interviews, learning reports and reflections, and online communication like We-Chat. In thestudy, findings focus on the students’ identity changes from being one-dimensional learners to becoming multi-dimensional ones, and from being passive learners to becoming autonomous ones, though the second of which was witnessed more obviously in the second year, in some of the students, and in some period of their study. The development of such identities may help students realize their imagined identities.